A much better episode. Lot's of emotion, and I'm pleased to see the MADDIE case resolved with a positive outcome. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Shout by JasperKazai

Oh wow, thank god the Maddie stuff is over (for now, I suppose). I expected it and dreaded it to be a season-long endeavor.
Very strange way to introduce this FBI agent lady, who is apparently going to be a recurring cast member now. Why wait this long for that? Why not have her be involved with this Maddie crap from the start? This season has been all over the place. Due to the writer's strike, I guess.

That Leonard guy is a slow-ass runner. He had a full head start with Benson being in the basement and him already being outside, yet she still caught up to him.
Also, if he was watching her the whole time, then surely he heard SVU as they were shouting for Maddie the moment they entered the barn. So why didn't he flee then? Why did he wait? Makes no sense.

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