one of those episodes that really highlights the morally gray areas of the world. i know where i personally stand as someone who signed up as an organ donor the moment i got my license and who's donated blood and plasma. i know that if i were in the situation the parents were in, i would have consented immediately—and if i hadn't, i would have found closure in the decision the doctor made without my consent, given how i was raised. i absolutely wouldn't want my child's organs back. the way the father reacted, i understand; the mother, not at all. but at the end of the day, the narcissism of this doctor to think that she was doing the world some great service by forging dozens of consent forms instead of just asking the families in a compassionate and humane way? man, i just can't reconcile that part.

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Stories like this always make me think that the world should exist in a "presumed consent" state where organ donation is concerned, and if you choose to opt out you should be blocked from receiving organ donations, too - you can't have it both ways.

Cyn.c's comment below is beyond histrionic to say doctors would kill you for body parts. If the vast majority of us were automatically donors then there undoubtedly wouldn't be such a shortage so there'd be no need to kill people for body parts; as this episode touched on, to be asked to donate your loved one's organs when they've just died is the worst timing. As for the comment about "literally stealing still beating hearts", the heart (and other organs) needs to be still active for the living tissue to be healthy and therefore viable for transplant.

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Shout by Cyn.C

Prime example why I'm not an organ donor.. they will kill you just to take your body parts. That doctor certainly should receive time in jail for literally stealing still beating hearts lol amongst other body parts. it's criminal and should remain that way.

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