That wonderful weird last segment is why I just love this show!!!

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  • New Jersey's mini-quake
  • Main story: Death Penalty (Powerful segment. As a society, you can be be pro or contra death penalty. It's astonishing though that ethical and other fundamental arguments are diluted by only discussing "the how". I mean that's obviously important too. But a civilized debate is maybe too much to ask for in a country that thinks that the penal system should focus on punishment instead of re-socialization. In a way, John eventually gets to this point but his argument relies still very much on "the how".)
  • And now: A sincere Thank You to ESPN for their Slow-motion Replays during the American Kennel Club's 'Fastest Dogs USA' (what majestic animals)
  • Stock photos
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you cannot take all of those stock photos with first-date-going-really-well energy and then not make them available for download. :sob:

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Shout by M00ps

Moonum Afternoonum - Eclipse
Main story: Pentobarbital

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