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Landscapers 2021

Good acting and potentially interesting story but the format didn't work for me at all. Would've preferred as a 90ish minute movie

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If you are consider yourself as a fan of artistic and believe that TV shows are not "art" then you haven't seen this show. It is something beyond great in Television. The direction, the photography, the acting, the montages, it resemble a lot with Fargo as point of approach in artistic (first season of course) but this is the reason people should watch TV. Yes sometimes it is better than a masterpiece in cinema, and here you have a perfect example

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That was for sure an outstanding production on every single level. Brillant!

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Unique, creative way of dramatizing the story. Odd at times, but if you can get over that it’s a pretty good movie.

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Amazing cinematography, stunning miniseries. Spectacular!

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It’s something different for sure, I could see every fame in a museum and the foot notes along every piece, or I could see it as a play too, the performances were great and the way the story was told was different but not enough to be captivating, it was something you glance at for a brief moment, not something you give 4 hours of your life to, so I’m not sure it was for me. Now I’m off to google this story.

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Level "Interesting" • 7 :heart: • Entertaining and Good.

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Bad writing, poor performances and awful attempts at humor. Gave it my usual three episodes and it’s only getting worse.

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David Thewlis and Olivia Colman give superb performances, in which you actually feel sorrow for the bad guys! Incredible direction which flips between reality, fantasy and midway between the both, give this series a must watch as it’s something never seen before in cinema.

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This is an incredibly novel approach to presenting a true crime story, part factual, part fantasy, part stage, all creative and off beat. Olivia Coleman and David Thewlis are magnificent in this, anchoring their characters in the mundane and ordinary, while allowing the story to swirl around them untethered. The casting is marvellously talented. I didn’t even recognize David Hayman and Felicity Montagu who play the victims/villains (?), superbly. The legal system doesn’t come off well in this telling and the murderer (s?) most definitely does/do. I wanted to hug Olivia’s character, while the real Susan Edwards and her husbands are serving a 25 year sentence for murdering her parents (this is not a spoiler, it is announced at the beginning of the series). I give this limited series an 8 (great performances) out of 10. [Crime, Drama, Mixed Media, Love Story?]

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Take two legendary actors. Put them in a great story and add some really random what the is that scenes. Show could of been two episodes. Recommended to binge watch in one night, start drinking heavily the second episode.

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