7.5/10. Dale at his Dale-iest. The combination of his bravado, paranoia, and incompetence come together for a fun adventure from the self-avowed gun nut. The prospect of a challenge to his role as president of the gun club (with a truly frightening vocal performance from Gary Busey as Mad Dog), a crisis of faith, and a fake mission (sorry, "fake errand") to give him his groove back made for a story that had strong, if loony, character motivation and a good narrative throughline.

The laughs were definitely there too. Dale's lines about dying on his first mission being "bad for business" and pocket sand(!) are both knee-slappers, and Hank's Mr. Big voice, combined with his straightforward admission that he was "just calling for help" when using Boomhauer's phone were very funny as well. Tie the humor together with a clever and well set up ending with Dale feigning the whole "flower delivery routine" from his mercenary story, and you get a great episode that showcase's Arlen's most incorrigible little nutcase.

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