I never knew this guy smoked K2 before he killed himself, I wish that had been talked about even more in this special. The football injuries to his brain surely impacted things as did everything else, but man he won a court case, smoked some spice, and then bam killed himself. That's not a coincidence, not many people have ever smoked that stuff but anyone who has knows it makes you overthink things to the absolute maximum, it literally drives you insane. It makes you see clearly, too clearly, and I'm sure he just thought about everything in his life in that moment and decided this is it, it's my time now. It's not a tragic loss, don't get me wrong, but I think it needs to be talked about more heavily then just the casual mention as that shit will make you feel suicidal in addition to completely stripping you of your decision making skills. Yes his brain injury probably helped, but synthetic weed is not like regular weed, it's not a party time drug, it's a downer and will absolutely fuel suicide. It's not a mystery to me why he did it anymore, at all.

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I'm very into true crime but I had never heard of this case. This was... surprising and shocking. Like... Jesus. It's crazy what people can hide under the hood.

Now, the documentary itself is not the best. The storyline is disorganized and they provide information in such a way that you ask yourself "why the fuck is this relevant?" and they never really answer the question. Not in a satisfying manner anyway.

They provide little detail on many important things, such as his father's abuse, his relationship with his mother, his cousin, the drug he smoked before committing suicide, etc., but go on and on and on about his sexuality, for example. That bothered me. Most of the relevant information feels watered down even though they do provide good visual content because there's a lot of real footage.

As far as documentaries go, this is not super satisfying because you definitely feel like there's a lot more to it. But it gives you a foundation so you can go on and do more research, which is definitely what I'll do.

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As a non-american I'm just completely shocked that I have somehow never heard this story even tough I watch the NFL from time to time. Crazy story.

Another very interesting true crime doc from Netflix.

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“We all want to be apologetic for Aaron and say this is why, this is why, but at the end of the day he made those decisions.
- Stephen Ziogas
Tough watch. Very personal doc, not much investigation.


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A riveting documentary that stands out as the best exploration of the Aaron Hernandez case. The series provides a wealth of evidence and information, from interviews with Hernandez's friends, family, and former teammates to police investigations and court documents. The documentary delves deep into the mind of Hernandez and the events that led to his shocking crimes, offering a compelling and informative look at one of the most notorious cases in recent memory. The series also presents interesting theories about the factors that may have contributed to Hernandez's behavior, providing a nuanced and complex perspective on the case.

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Shout by Deleted

I tend to never write comments, but I'll write this briefly here for anyone interested in the show.

I'm very into crime series and documentaries, and I remember vaguely hearing about this case. I did not know to full extent but the name was familiar. So, while looking at this series, it yes was informative but it was built very backwards; It started out with the court and didn't really explain the crime or anything and it was built for an audience with information about the situation prior to this.

It could have been constructed much better, hence my very low rating. But it was interesting, just very backwards and hard to follow which is uncommon for documentaries like this imo.

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It was okay, but there wasn't really something new.

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I thought the quarterback and his dad sounded super phony. And honestly, how do people even rate a documentary?

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