This is another new series, just beginning, and I think it has great potential. It's one of those things that could be really quirky good or devolve into something too sappy to bear. Jason Rtter is so much more than his comedic roots would predict. His comedy to laced with heart, he doesn't settle for stock slapstick comedy but inhabits his characters. Great supporting cast, promising premise, lots of sub themes to chase. After one episode, I'm giving this series a 7.5 (promising) out of 10. [Drama, Humour, SciFi/Fantasy hybrid]

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I really like this show, it makes me feel good. Its light, smart, uplifting and funny series.

The stories are interesting, the acting is good, the chemistry between the actors is fantastic and the result is very pleasant. All main charachers are likeable and quite funny. I want to see more about Kevin's relashionship with his sister and niece and of course with Kristin. After all, that's the main reason for the success of this series.

The only bad thing is Dave. I dont find him interesting or funny at all. In fact i think he is ruin every scene he is in. Im sure Ava would be far more better in the role of the third player in "Team Kevin".

Besides that, im really enjoing this series and i definitely want to see more.

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Deserves a second season, no if ands or buts.

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