This episode was solid and much more watchable. Likely because Kevin's grating, shouty voice was kept to a minimum. I'm glad Patty has turned into an ally... Though was it just me or was that cop asking her out??

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Why are the beauty store workers so mean? Like they also live in that shit town and get paid minimum wage, yet they are so cruel to Allison.
Allison deserved someone like Kurt, he seems nice, he was good to Patty, he’s solid and like the safe option. I say deservED cause I wouldn’t want her to depend on a man again.
And oh wow, Patty had a rough week :/
I liked how they did that kitchen scene between Allison and Patty, I thought she would be like “you didn’t tell me about the pills and you knew I needed them for my clients” and then she would leave and stop talking to Allison, so I liked that they have a mature conversation! That never happens in any show.
And if Kevin’s true self wasn’t peaking enough, him calling Kurt was a good reminder of how disgusting he is, like imagine feeling so entitled to another person, and wanting to control them so bad and ruin their other relationships. That’s sick.

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It's growing on me.:thumbsup:

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WOW this is so cool best show in a long time ^^

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Hey it’s Oswald Cobblepot. He got rid of the Penguin walk. Lol

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