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I've watched 2 and really like the tone and feel so far. I'll be watching this as it airs.

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Dark and twisted. Enjoyed this one. Binge watched it well, worth it.

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It took some time to get used to and get onboard what the creators were doing here but I get it.

You're not meant to like the canned laughter, the bright coloured, typical US sitcom. It's a tool to make us hate Kevin as much as Allison does and it works. Hated Kevin immediately and hated every moment of the cheesy jokes, the daytime sitcom crap style. It was horrible and cringeworthy to watch, but that's why you're on Allison's side so much during the other side of the show, the more grey, gritty, real world side of life. It's why you want her to win and get away. It's why you don't feel any sympathy for Kevin.

It works and I'll watch season two for sure.

Also, Annie Murphy's accent took some getting used to after watching Schitt's Creek but... it's there. Deal with it.

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I couldn't wait for each new episode of this show to come out. A well executed, novel concept with great writing and great characters.

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Most people who call this show bad don’t even watch it fully. It’s a bold concept but also far more than it appears to be. One of the best shows of recent years.

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I’m on the 4th or 5th episode and am not really to into this.
Maybe if it was a 1/2 hr show instead of an hour I could handle it.
I started watching it because I liked Annie Murphy in Schitt’s Creek so much, but I don’t know.

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This might have been edgy 10 years ago, but we're on the other side of this now.

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Al Bundy - Married with Children II? This is the Married with Children living room setting. Our family of 4 all voted to stop the first episode 1/2 through. Terrible.

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Its like if you put a sitcom and the AMC formula into a blender but you just blend it half way. its not bad but this is what you get.

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3 episodes in, I think now the show is shaping up. The first two episodes seem to stumble a bit trying to find their footing and they come off as just very sad rather than the mix they seem to be trying to go for. Episode 3 is more balanced and more in line with what I thought the show was promoting itself as.

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I love the premise - really effing loved it. The execution is a little slow and the whole detective thing really doesn't make any sense, but 10 stars for the gimmick. I feel like I spent the better part of last year summoning this show into existence.

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It amuses me how many people obviously missed the point of this show. There's a reason the comedy is so over the top. Loved the switch from multi-cam to single, from light to dark. It took a while, but finally some growth from the two main characters, almost too late. Let's die alone, together.

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Well,they saved the very best episode for the very last episode. This show was a mess. I get that they were trying to make Kevin hateable with the canned laughter sitcom part of the show. But did they have to make EVERYONE unfunny during the sitcom part of the show? This show worked when it was the drama part of the show. Probably a solid 3.5 stars outta 5. The sitcom part of the show was maybe 1 star. LOVED how they changed the set from light to dark when the drama started. I will say that the two characters that were superb throughout were drama Neil and Alison. Glad it's over. It was a hard watch.

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Shout by Deleted

season 2 is pretty bad compared to season 1 lol much worse nothing new

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I just finished this and I already miss it. At the heart of the show is a love story - I won't say more than that. It took a while to build but there is some fantastic character development that takes place over the arc of the story. I love when people tell a story in a way that is soooooo different than anything else. They took the premise (crappy sitcoms) and completely turned it on its ear. It doesn't hurt that the ending (and specifically, the final few seasons) are perfect.

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Shout by fcknrckstar
BlockedParent2022-10-10T09:30:55Z— updated 2024-05-26T14:50:49Z

I loved the idea of the different point of view from a sit-com frustrated wife, that was a stroke of genius. Also the switch of moods between the classic "fake-laugh-and-bright-lights-over-saturated-set" and a more realistic, desaturated and dark. This works sooo good.

But other than this, this show lacks of deepness. I had the impression that the plot is too much self-absolutory for the wife, and the charachters moves in too much constricted way, only to justify the developing of the plot. This pretty much ruined for me the show.

This had a big potential, but just couldn't reach for it.

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It’s really a struggle to finish season 2. The biggest problem is the pacing and not caring about what happens to any of the characters.

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I'm only one episode in, but I'm really enjoying this. Such a cool concept.

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[Movistar+] It has an interesting premise, although weighed down by the similar approach of "WandaVision". Here the sitcom comedy underscores Allison's drama and unhappiness, but her development as character is weak, her motivations unlikely and her personality is so histrionic that we actually like Kevin (the antagonist) better than herself. The story is heading towards dark drama, but it isn't brave enough.

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I like how the show's concept is to make us flip between the sunny and bright "ha ha ha" sitcom and the dark reality. I haven't seen this done in a show before. Very interesting.

Annie Murphy has great range. This character is in stark contrast to the one she played in Schitt's Creek.

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Wait why is she trying to kill Kevin? She can just get a divorce. If you really want to get out, go run away. So dumb.

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I really hope they don’t make season 2 of this show. Has potential but the sitcom style is so stupid & annoying. Maybe this show would’ve worked 10 years a go.

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Not bad so far the first 2 ep pretty goood something different

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Terrible. Cringe. Usual dumb man stereotype. King of queen was same but was funny. 3 episodes into trainwreck, had enough.

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When I started watching I didn't like the show but I gave it 3 episodes and I'm glad I did. I'm really enjoying the show now.

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eewww! 15 seconds in I could tell I was going to hate this show. and I usually never hate anything.... it is 2021, what's with the freaking laugh track? I wanted to love the show but it's really awful. sorry.

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Started out ok but about half way through episode 1 it began to get weird. I like a good sitcom and a good drama show is nice also but I'm not sure about a show that tries to be both and does neither very well.

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Two episodes in and wasn't has good as I expected. Maybe it's my fault was expecting it would be a lot better, but this first two episodes weren't awesome. Let's hope it picks up.

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