Some things here don't make sense:

  1. What caused stands to exist? Did they always exist or did they come into existence because of DIO coming back? I recall it being because of DIO. However, Poinareff had his stand apparently since he was a kid, and guy is at least in his 20s. Likely a detail I confused, but if not it's a pretty big hole.

End of arc spoiler below:
2. Draining DIO's blood into Old Jojo should have turned him into a vampire. Every other time DIO's blood was passed on, the person turned, most recently Cool Ice (or Vanilla Ice, the one who killed Iggy). I don't think they could take back JUST Old Jojo's blood that DIO stole: once it's mixed, it's mixed. Not to mention, the whole "soul" leaving his body moment, but it wouldn't be the first time they played around with souls. So for that moment when Old Jojo was "just playing around", I 100% saw it coming as a real issue, and it still may be one later.

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Dank ending. I'm kind of glad that I waited until all 24 episodes had aired before I started watching this. I was watching SC Part 1 weekly and it was kind of a pain. I'd have liked a little teaser at the end but you can't have everything. And Polnareff should definitely go back to Egypt and hook up with that chick that he saved as a "kid". She had spectacular tits.

Part 2 of Stardust Crusaders was definitely better than Part 1 but I think that it still doesn't eclipse the first season (Part 2 especially). I definitely want more tho.

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The last few episodes have definitely been epic in scale and fitting for a finale. I'm glad I stuck with this one although I definitely felt it's length at times. Like @deanzel I preferred the Pillar Men arc and they got through that in 16, rather than 48 episodes.

Still, the finale made it worthwhile. Let's hope for more JoJo at some point!

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