I wish that Jane and Petra had become friends much sooner! Really digging their sisterly vibe.

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meh about Rafael and Jane, everyone saw it coming... this whole season just felt so useless because of that, they used Michael as a mere plot device which was extremely disrespectful to the character.

but, that musical ending with every character was awesome, makes me wish there were more musical numbers on this show... just missed Luisa and Rose <3

also that plot with Krishna... seems interesting, here's me rooting for Petra to charm Krishna and make her fall in love lol

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I feel... I just feel... filled with so much emotion that I just might burst! <3

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I wish that Jane and Petra had become lovers already! Really digging their sexual tension.

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felt like the 'Avengers Assemble' JTV's version hahaha, loved to see all the characters in the same room!

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