wow that monologue was an amazing performance from Gina Rodriguez, and a great tv moment!

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Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParent2019-03-28T05:42:29Z— updated 2019-03-29T18:37:30Z

That was a crazy long monologue Jane gave in the middle- I think that's the longest monologue from her we've ever heard. Also the longest TV monologue I've heard from anyone. I kept waiting for Alba or Xio to do something or to say something.

Gina looks more in shape then I remember from season 4- it's probably all the work she did for Miss Bala.

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Of course there has to be an amnesia plot in it. this is a telenovela after all.

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That monologue!!! Pure gold. So much power. I love Gina Rodriguez so much. Made us feel all the feels at the same time. And the eulogy scene was amazing as well!

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i'm still iffy about the whole Michael-coming-back plot, that just feels like a stain on the character's memory and how we loved him... but still, that monologue was one of the best scenes of this show. So raw, cathartic, rambling and still managed to be hilarious, great shooting and acting by Gina Rodriguez

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"I feel like I've been erased. It's just gone. Everything we said, everything we did. It's like it didn't happen. And I don't know... what to do or what to feel."

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that monologe was brilliant, good work!

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OMG Gina Rodriguez freaking killed it on this episode. What an amazing spiral!!! Inhala, exhala...I should write.

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Not the longest monologue (cough Bojack cough), but it was crazy frantic and emotional and jumpy.

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how can I watch this season?

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Some cool shots in this episode, but I wasn't a fan of the long take/monologue scene.

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How can I watch this ? Help

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Hola, ya me registre, hice todo lo que tenia que hacer.....y no puedo ver lasssssss seriessssssss, alguien puede por favorrrrr explicarme como tengo que hacer para poder ver una serie, a donde pongo play????

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