If only there was a way we could see each other again.. like every day for instance.

hmm maybe in ten years time.. on a Zombie Island perhaps. I watched iZombie since the day it premiered. Much feels in this series finale and nice closure. Looking forward to what Rob Thomas comes up with next!

Thanks for the brains, later zomberinos! :brain: :zombie::zombie: :brain:

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I wasn't a big fan of this finale. It wasn't 100% bad, but I feel they focused too much on fake deaths to surprise us... and then that final sequence was dumb and out of place. With the amount of things they had going on, I thought they were going to make an "action movie" of sorts for the finale, with the characters making that last effort together. It would have been much cooler to see... but instead, they faked Liv's death randomly, cut to 10 years later and we didn't even see anything.

Great show, awesome cast, meh final season/episode.

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Oh man, I dunno, this was a bit of a wet noodle ending, but oh well, the entirety of season 4 and 5 matches that. I'm disappointed in that, but there's nothing surprising there I guess. All in all, I loved this show some time back, but it all turned topsy turvy a while back, even so, this episode is the title personified, nothing bad at all happens, everyone survives, even the "bad guys" (possibly), and lets be honest Blaine is quite the psycopathic killer even though we routinely are led to forget it.

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Fun finale until that 10 years later crap and this ridicolous "Virtual cast".
That must be a terrible joke. Entirely ruined this closing episode.
I mean, remember the season 1 finale and how awesome that was?
Where's that boldness gone to? Wasted all the budget on anything than gunfire as well.
What's with Blaine and Don E.? Still down there, rotting away as hungy zombies?
Or did they rip each other apart? Why exactly are Liv and Major still zombies?
Because of those kids who can't be cured?

That 10 years later stuff makes this an awful end to a TV show that was my absolute favourite at some point.
Went downhill quite fast somewhere in S3 when it got too big.
But overall S5 was better than S4, even if there was barely any Clive and Liv solving cases.

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As series finales go, not the best, but certainly no the worst cough,cough GoT cough, cough.

They tried to fake out the deaths of not one, not two, but THREE of the main characters. And they had me half convinced with two of them.

That "Ten years later" schtick was very lame and such a cop out. The writers had made such a mess with this super violent, super radicalized factions that there was no conceivable way of both groups giving up the fight. So they just flashed forward and didn't really deal with it at all. Crappy writing and planning there.

But at the very least, my OTP sailed happily into the sunset, so I can't be too mad at it. The episode's title couldn't be better suited.

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A very disappointing ending, I must say. The fact that they killed Michelle just so Clive would get his perfect nuclear family is utterly disgusting. They could have written anyone else dying instead, any other officer, but of course they chose her. Gross.
The rest is just... a bit weird, a bit bland, a bit confusing. I don't understand how they keep pushing that narrative that a cure would solve everything since obviously, ton of zombies must still be trying to get revenge/tons of humans must still have anti-zombies feelings.
( Also I keep being put off by this thing of turning people into zombies because they're sick. Like, the children will never grow up? You get stuck living immortal lives? It doesn't sound appealing at all.)
Liv and Lilywhite ending up together is also disappointing. It felt rushed and too easy.

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Well, well, well. Look what happened to Blaine and Don E...

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It went fast the last ten minutes
Not a bad finale but not good either.

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One really felt how much in a hurry the showmakers were. That ending scene was a lame excuse for what should have been explained it at least 1 more episode. Sad. Since I really really loved this show. Bye, zombies!

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A perfect finale. Thank you for giving Liv & Major the happy ending I was hoping for since Day 1. Literally happily ever after. They 100% succeeded in wrapping :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:everything:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: up with a super-satisfying bow.

I really do believe that this series had more stories to tell. We could have spent so much more time with these characters, particularly Peyton. And I wish that the majority of the series matched the quality of these last two episodes.

Bravo, iZombie. You took zombies and gave them an entirely new and fresh mythology after decades of same same same. Not an easy feat. And your cast was an absolute pleasure to watch.

Thank you.

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Now I know how it feels to be disappointed by a series' ending. Holy hell, so many dumb writing decisions. Characters' fates were very lazily tied up, the pacing of the entire episode was rather eh and just unexciting - I mean, various plot points from previous seasons did so much better at finishing whatever was the ongoing story.
I like how they joke that Major didn't age a day. Just like Clive, who is the master of managing stress from being a father and didn't change a single bit, despite also being at least in the middle of his 40s at this point, maybe even around 50. F'ing lmao.

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A pretty meh series finale for a very uneven season. It'll do.

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The first two seasons were awesome, the third was ok, but then the show went downhill until this very meh ending.

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I have no problem saying that this was the worst season of the series.
I don't see the point in the explosion, many unfinished things, rushed ending and poor narrative.
I really liked the show, especially the first two seasons, but it went downhill from there. At least it entertained me and I enjoyed it a lot. The characters are charismatic, friendly and Liv's personality gave a lot of play to the series.
I loved Blaine as a villain but I think he should have died in some previous season.
They could have made a "little better" ending if they had extended Blaine's death with Scott E, if they had removed the silly explosion from the last 10 minutes (seriously, it was the worst), and if they had explained the events better.

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that sure is an ending

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Not a perfect wrap, but it's alright as abrupt endings go.

RIP, rest in peace for the show and the characters who met an untimely end, everyone except Blaine, he can Rot In Pieces.

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A good series finale. Even felt it was one of the best I remember.. . or maybe still got the taste of GoT in my mouth? :')
Somewhere along the 3rd?-5th? season things got ridiculous (the brains they ate suddenly take over their WHOLE personalities?!) -- too fun for my taste -- but the finale I think wrapped things up pretty well.

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Shout by kinky

I don't understand why Liv and Maior decided to remain zombies, but I definitely liked that the show brought them together, again, as they should be. Anyway, goodbye, iZombie! Your last couple of seasons were lackluster, but you will still be missed. Oh, and thanks for the Veronica Mars/The Good Place fanservice, that sure provided for a more fun farewell. Unlike the popular opinion, I was pleased with this ending. Gotta love thinking of Blaine and Don E. keeping Blaine's dad company for the rest of their immortal "lives".

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Shout by AJ

So... instead of having an ending, they are giving us a virtual TV show talking about what happened at the end? Well the last two seasons were really crappy, why shouldn't the finale be lame aswell.

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