Goddamnit, Jack Bauer. You really are the man.

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It's so dam good. The police car and the cat Jack Bauer and some hotdogs and a molotov coctail. All in. :)

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[5.7/10] Meh. Charlie’s Pacino impression is amusing, and the cat liking gasoline and leaping out of the burning car at the last minute is fun enough. But none of the stories really works. Dennis and Frank pretending to be cops doesn’t have many laughs in it and doesn’t hit the absurd escalation the show’s known for. Dee and Mac playing guardian angels and getting in over their head in a rough neighborhood is a decent enough premise (and their racism biting them in the ass is always nice) but it too kind of peters out. And I’ve only seen bits and pieces of Serpico so Charlie’s homage to it doesn’t do much for me. Overall, this is one I’d likely skip on a rewatch.

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