Totally my favorite episode of the season so far. This one is hella meta! And as an artist myself, I laughed my ass off. Dennis' monologue at the end was brilliant. Oh Sunny you still get me.

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This is my favorite thing Danny DeVito has ever done

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[5.1/10] Pretty shallow and lame riff on the art world. There’s a lot of humor to mine from modern art and its tastemakers, but this episode goes for the easiest, hoariest gags and walks away saying nothing of any real insight or comic value about art.

The one part I got a kick out of was Frank playing the over the top art-lover stereotype, just because Danny DeVito threw himself into the whole, but otherwise this was a big miss. Charlie trying to be Richard Greco didn’t get any laughs out of me. The same old jokes about Cricket similarly fell flat. And while there was promise in Dennis trying to achieve the next 50 Shades of Grey, that too crumbled into some generic “Dee’s acting dreams are stupid” jokes and some misaimed humor about Dennis being statutorily raped.

Overall, this is the first absolute dud the show has put out in a while, but it’s a real stinker.

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