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In the Dark 2019

This show has run at least one season to long. It has become really boring.

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2021-10-29T18:41:25Z— updated 2021-11-24T22:08:14Z

I'm only on the first season and only four episodes in but I like this show. It's different and you can't help but to both route for and against the main character and all of her flaws. Unrealistic "blind acting" in my opinion, having known plenty of blind people in my life, but still not too bad.

From the comments it sounds like seasons 2 & 3 are pretty bad but I'll reserve opinions on that when I get to those seasons. I hope this isn't the case, so many other shows were fantastic first seasons followed by total dogsh*t subsequent seasons (I'm talking to you The Rookie).

UPDATE 11/2021

Everyone was right, season two is horrible. I understand they cast a sighted woman as the blind lead because she fit what they wanted, but she doesn't even try to "act" blind now, I've seen her lock eyes with people so often that it's laughable, while she goes out of her way to bump into things and "seem" blind otherwise. On one hand she stopped caring if she was convincing while on the other she tries to hard to sell her blindness. Deleted.

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Really love this show since episode one and binged up until a point where I have to wait now for an episode weekly! We want more :black_heart::metal_tone1:

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Shout by Jason Daigo
BlockedParent2021-02-20T21:24:33Z— updated 2021-08-02T14:58:12Z

Poor writing and the plot makes no sense. Becomes repetitive very quick. Please no 3rd season. Donate the money for the production to WWF instead. Might not be much money but still better.

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Quickly became one of my favorite shows. I don't need perfection just a show that pulls me in and leave me wanting more. This show was all of that and more. Disfunctional people and relationships, drama and suspense, etc... I binged two seasons and can't wait for the next. Max being crazy hot doesn't hurt either.

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Shout by miel
BlockedParent2022-09-06T16:44:59Z— updated 2022-10-02T06:05:10Z

for all it’s issues, season 1 is hilarious and original, then season 2 is a little show and scattered but still intriguing. at least until halfway through. from then on though, it’s just the writers throwing bullshit at the wall and hoping it sticks. and it hardly ever did.

2/5 series rating (the terrible, terrible ending is the main reason for this rating.)

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First season great, second, OK, now, time to cut your losses because this one stinks!

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Season 1: Looks interesting. 7/10
Season 2: Nope. poor character development and plot development. Central character Murph is too much a walking disaster to root for her. 3/10
Season 3: Doesn't get any better continues the train wreck that is season 2. Will not watch the following seasons.

They had something special in first season. But ruined the show when they tried to incorporate multiple conflicting elements on the show. I would suggest you watch the first season and skip the rest.

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Shout by Bunny Harvestman
BlockedParent2021-04-22T15:08:44Z— updated 2023-12-19T16:59:27Z

I gave the first two individual seasons of this a 9. I gave the third a 6 and the fourth a 5. I don't regret finishing it, but wow. Does anybody know if the writers are okay?

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It was a decent series that started out entertaining. By season 4 though, it became repetitive and almost annoying. Rumors are there won't be a 5th season, and I'm kind of hoping that's true. Not sure where else they will take it at this point.

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Season 1: interesting. Entertaining characters. Clear motivations.
Season 2: frustrating choices by characters but overall still wanted to see where these characters ended up
Season 3: infuriating. Murphy is a horrible friend and human throughout.
Season 4: decent. Some stuff resolved. Skip the snowed-in episode and the Murphy/max argument episode.

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For being a CW show, this one is quite good. It locks in the dark and gritty tone of like Daredevil, while pacing itself like Good Girls and Dead to Met. This is also a rare case of the last season being as good as the first. Despite getting cancelled, the producers managed to wrap up the show in a nice little bow that fulfilled everything I wanted out of the show from the beginning. The middle seasons are pretty hit or miss or slightly repetitive cat and mouse episodes, but ultimately I was engaged and couldn't look away!

Average Season Review: 7.88/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Dark Comedy / Drama Fans)

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After finishing season 1 of 'The OA' series, i am here. I watch series season by season. So, after one season. I will move to another series probably.

I have been watching series from recent years in last weeks. It is unusual for me. I will go back to older series.

I will copy this also to season 1 and episode 1 review also.

I hope i can enjoy.

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