This is just terrible. Do yourself a favor and watch it whenever you don't have something else to watch. I mean, it's just trash. If there's a new season, I'll just watch it because of that cliffhanger at the end. I won't be surprised if the series gets cancelled.

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What the actual f*ck!?!

I love it.

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It falls short of greatness at the very end but I'm still happy with it, even the dreaded hook hoping for a continuation.

I was prepared to complain about how it feels wrong for Alison to make that decision but I guess the one constant has been them showcasing how broken she's been even before S1 started. They just needed to have put a little more focus on how she's come to the conclusion that Margot was her last shot at that love she's always craved.

As for Margot, her final scene explaining everything is just chef's kiss on exactly the sort of self-centered person she's always shown herself to be. It's just immensely funny that her motives can be both psycothic and silly. :rofl:

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WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'll have to revisit all the goodness that I showered on this "would be slasher flick" after watching episode 1 itself. And after episode 5 I kept waiting and waiting and waiting until this arrived! Goodness Gracious! This is plain cheating all the slasher flick fans. Disastrous and evil!

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Shout by Jaysonsosweet

Whoa....Okay... not until the very end I did not expect... THAT !! They got me on this one !! But about the explanation of it all !!? Really !!!!? So I kill everyone so that so you can freak the hell out and tell everyone the truth about you... Hell ! I even stab you for it ! And at the same time I make you understand I love you and no one will ever love you like I do so you can choose me keep your mouth shut ???!!! Did I get it right ?? How F up the all situation's complete nonsense BS ! Nothing make sense !!

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The ending of this one was bad enough even before Margot went into exposition mode as the credits rolled. At that point, the stupidity became almost unbearable. Agatha Christie has nothing to fear here.

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