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Hyouka 2012

This is another masterpiece done by Kyoto Animation. Can they do no wrong? It's a great slice-of-life school anime with a good mix of mystery, drama and a bit of romance (wish there was a bit more personally). I really loved how this series was very realistic in its scenarios, drama and character development which really helped me fall in love with the charming characters even more. Obviously, the art, animation and music are off the charts too. I just pray that there is a second season or movie to tie up the ending (beautifully done but I need my romantic conclusions!!).

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Shout by ManiacB

I did enjoy this series and visually it is probably the most gorgeous work by KyoAni to date (and that's saying something!), but sadly there were a few things preventing me from rating it higher.

I'm not a big mystery fan, perhaps if I was then I would have appreciated some of the mysteries they solved a little more. That's not to say most of them weren't somewhat interesting, but I wouldn't say I was massively engaged in them and I certainly wouldn't want to watch most of them again. I did like the 4 main characters which is why I wish I could have seen them develop a bit more alongside all the mystery solving and shenanigans. This is probably why Gosick ( rated higher with me personally, because whilst it also had mysteries to be solved, enough time was also spent developing the characters and their relationships.

Overall I found the series to be a visual treat and a worthwhile watch, but lacking in areas important to me and leaving me with a slight sense of unfulfilment at the end. It's not a series I can see myself ever watching a second time.

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Pretty solid 7/10 series. Awesome dub, beatiful drawings and nice OST. However, the week point was the narrative, as it didn`t exist. With a proper storytelling, It would be easily a 9/10 or 10/10. few Episodes were also filler content..

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First off, I really can't ignore the power of the graphics. They are absolutely marvelous and I can tell how much effort Kyoto Animation puts into every detail.

It does have a somewhat laid back start where it feels as if the story is going nowhere, but I recommend you stick through the series at least until episode 5 where the first mystery that arches over multiple episodes wraps up. At that point, you'll have a good idea whether this slice of life, but really a mystery drama, Anime suits your tastes.

As for me, I quite enjoyed it. I took it slowly compared to others that I rush and binge through, but it was still enjoyable regardless.

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Someone recommended this me by mistake I asked romcom and I got mystery drama

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Like some mystery in your not-so-typical slice-of-life anime? This is the anime for you! Engaging characters, stories engrossed in detail that show a multitudes of art styles. Hyouka is nothing short of a work of art.

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