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Season 2

Season 1 was amazing and different.

This is just another "What if Hitler actual escaped" story.
Additionally the switching between Meyers story before the events from Season 1 and The Hunters present is extremly annoying.

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I enjoyed the first season even if it was a bit bizarre at times, this season though I'm really struggling to maintain any interest at all. The plot is ridiculous and we spend the first 2-3 episodes trying to fathom what our "hero" is actually doing and why? Then there's getting the team all back together with zero indication of how they were all found, being scattered all over the place or why they agreed to group up again. They all seem to now hate each other and, almost half a season in, we are only now off down the main plot line. I've really struggled to watch 3 episodes, currently slogging through the 4th, not sure if I'll make it to the end in all honesty.

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I’ve had to do a huge effort to finish this season. It lacks of an interesting storyline. It seems they didn’t know how to keep the story entertaining and surprising. Such a waste of time. It was predictable and unconvincing.

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I loved season 2 just as much as season 1. I really liked how they were able to bring back Al Pacino and use him in season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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[Prime Video] An exercise in fictional politics that really doesn't know if it wants to be a thriller with touches of humor or if it prefers to take seriously the speculations around the survival of the main leaders. There is something ridiculous in the imagined presence of Hitler, but at least it serves to reflect on the capacity of Western countries to establish moral codes taking into account what has happened in international geopolitics in the last 70 years. But, like almost everything in this series, it seems that this historical rewrite does not quite fit into a story whose characters are more empty in this season than in the previous one, especially Jonah's motivations and the unnecessary presence of Al Pacino.

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A step up form the first season in my opinion. The story is less all over the place and more focussed and I liked that more. The cast remains strong and the 'Tarantino style' of story telling compelling.

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I've no words how bad this was. A total waste of time. 90% useless dialogue, artificial and over-acted. All characters are one-dimensional and I couldn't care less about them. 20 years ago, this would have been ok, but compared to today's standards, this is abyssal.

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