
Shaping up to be a really good series.

I'm not looking to nitpick - Not really looking for historical inaccuracies.

I predict there will be two types of opinions on this show. Those who enjoy it for what it is, and those who will find every little detail wrong and nitpick. I strive to be the first, and enjoy it for the entertainment that it is.

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I found it both interesting and entertaining, if you can watch without being too much of a nitpicker. It's not meant to be historically accurate. It's hyperbolic (but not unfounded) to increase viewing enjoyment.

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What an amazing first episode o.o

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Great show so far. Of course one would have to look away from the stigmatisation of "all nazis being creatures of evil" (I mean, there was this talk about Darth Vader, so that was a nice little detail), but once that is cleared up in one's head then killing off bad people is rather enjoyable to watch.

"Living well is the best revenge" yada yada. :grimacing: I can sense a bit of pretence there, sir, I'm sure there's more to it. It's definitely a start to get it going though, and helping with the rest.

"Continue without me, you'll probably win that, too." Haha. Loving the character dynamics so far.

I also liked how brave and smart Jonah is, but on the downside, why go seek out a brutal killer and then snivel like a kindergartenkind when he's got you trapped. Your resolution only got you that far? But I see your potential. You can make it far. Just stop snivelling please.

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There are going to be a lot of issues with this series, that’s obvious.

The first one for me was how the young guy was found in the toy store by the old mentor. In a later scene he even says “you found what I couldn’t” (the location of the next target) but he obviously did find the place - just in time to save the young guy.

Nevertheless, I’m going to watch a couple of more episodes and try not to nitpick the pleasure right out of it. For me, that’s a very big order…so I’ll refrain from detailing any more complaints.

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The intro was sick and easily one of the best hooks for you to be interested in this show.

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This was not a good pilot. It was around an hour and a half long with a lot of extra shit which a pilot doesn't need. This is a pity because the initial premise and plot points that were actually relevant seemed really interesting. The writing is also surprisingly funny, everything Offerman says is great.

Seems like the rest of the episodes are shorter at least so this might just be a problem with the pilot not the series as a whole.

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I enjoyed it very much. I think Al Pacino is awesome actor.I thought it kind of dragged in the middle but it ended up grabbing me towards the end.

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Wrong runtime, this app always does that when the pilots longer

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He had me untill he said “the only difference between a hero and a villain is who sells more costumes on Halloween” I would like rant about how that’s dumb lol but it’s pretty obvious

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I guess when you're on a streaming service you don't necessarily need to have the best pilot because this one felt like it was on automatic. It wasn't bad or anything it just didn't really do much more than set a style and setting. I'm not even sure it really did much to set a tone. It's watchable but nothing of which I'm begging to see a second episode.

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This must be based on a graphic novel or comic. See what I know.

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