I did NOT see that coming

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No wonder why Frank is so screwed in the head. It makes all the sense in the world now.

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Apparently, the writers of the show decided that this week, HTGAWM should be a telenovela. What will be the next “jaw-dropping” revelation? Maybe Oliver is actually a time traveller from a parallel universe where Annalise is actually a good person. Or maybe Asher was actually a woman stuck in a man’s body? We all knew that the title of this episode was a joke and that Shonda would never allow Sam to be a good guy. So these are 42 wasted minutes.

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Some of the twists are a bit far-fetched now. Oh, she missed x number of days in school? Must be pregnant! The baby was born in March, must be the one person I know who was also born in March! The killer had brown curly hair? Must be the first person with brown curly hair I meet! Rather ridiculous!

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WTF? I don't know what to say...
Really? Frank is Sam and Hannah's son?
This is creepy as hell!
Oh Connor... What did you do now?
Why this show play with my mind all the time.
I still can't get over the fact that Sam and Hannah slept together and Frank is their son. I can't.. Bye.

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Excuse me what the fuck

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the way i was literally on the edge of my seat the last few minutes and then audibly gasped.... oMG

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WHAT THE HELL!!!! I don't even know what to say like OMFG!!!!!!!!

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Aaand congratulations, you've managed to ruin the show...

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Shout by Aars

COME ON INBRED INCEST SECRET BABY!! This plot feels like it belongs in PLL and this is not a compliment. And Frank looks the same age as Sam so you can tell this was a last minute plot or else since the beginning they would’ve casted someone younger, and since say 1 Frank’s been all about I’m 100% italian and 100% a killer, so now he’s just from rural America I guess.
And Sam’s abuse doesn’t justify that he later became an abuser!!!!!! And if all he wanted was to have kids to protect well he had THREE!!! Frank, Gabriel and Lila’s baby!! WAIT FRANK AND GABRIEL ARE BROTHERS!!!!!!! WTF!!!!
And tbh I don’t care that much anymore about Miconnor and I highly doubt that agent Langford so easily believed Nate that Pollock was dirty and that he proceeded to arrest her, that looks suspicious!!!

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NO FRIGGIN WAY!!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH OMG how they tie things back to season 1 and 2 it's just insane omg. I need to rewatch as soon as I finish the show. It's so well written even after so many seasons omg

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Shout by Martim

Cue to Eleanor saying “Holy Motherforking Shirtballs!”

There’s only a couple episodes left, yet Peter isn’t holding anything back nor waiting to the series finale to drop a major bombshell. From the creative process point of view, I’m sure they came up with this revelation recently, but as a viewer I almost feel betrayed for only knowing about this crucial piece of information just as the show is about to end.

I certainly found unusual the fact that Frank randomly let his band-aid fall, but these damn red herrings got me again!

I don’t know if we’ll keep revisiting the past during the next couple episodes. Yet it’s bittersweet to see Annalise’s previous home and those terrible wigs, as some sort of farewell, maybe. Moreover, how dare you bringing back Hannah without a new appearance from Marcia Gay Harden?

Regarding Agent Pollock, I could have sworn Special Agent Lanford was in cahoots with her. I still don’t understand what is Nate’s deal.

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WTF? They are just writing whatever they want now as the show is close to its finale.

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thank god this is the final season of the show, because I’m tired of those «Luke, I’m your father» revelations

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Shout by Deleted

saw it coming a mile away

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Omfg, I don’t see that coming.

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Twists upon twists! The magic continues!

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That was so unexpected. Did NOT see that coming

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