Very VERY interesting episode! We got to know about Bonnie's sister!!! So does that mean that Maddox was raised by his aunt? was he the son that bonnie never knew he's alive? or was he Bonnie's nephew? I loved Annalise and Tegan's interactions! and please don't tell Oliver's dead T___T please no please ... please ....

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Ok... So Bonnie has a sister... Like a twin sister??
Please, don't tell me you're going to kill Olivier... That won't be good.
The new guy likes Laurel... That's going to be interesting to watch.

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  • So Bonnie could have a twin sister? Should have seen it coming, but I honestly didn't. Maybe she killer her own sister in the snow? Though you would think she would show more emotions then... Another theory I have is that the Bonnie we saw in the flash-forward isn't even the Bonnie we know, but the twin sister. So maybe twin-Bonnie killed someone and pretends to be Bonnie at the wedding... I'll take it as long as they leave Oliver alone! Don't they dare kill him off ;_;
  • Please don't bring Laurel and Maddox together. They really try hard to create some kind of "teasing chemistry" there and it's just ugh. They already forced Wes/Laurel together and now they try the same thing with knockoff Wes and Laurel? Please don't.
  • I really felt like they tried to hint that Michaela might feel something more for Tegan than admiration. Not sure how to feel about it tbh... On one hand I would totally be down for them to be this gorgeous power couple but on the other hand I appreciate a simply platonic deep friendship so much.
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Oh no... not Oliver!. Also, is Bonnie a twin??

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I love love love this show

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Shout by Aars

PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN’T AN EVIL TWIN SITUATION!!! That would bring this show to a PLL level and I don’t mean that in a good way.
Michaela really has lost it, can she please leave Tegan alone???? Last season I think Tegan only interacted like twice with Annalise and she didn’t even knew Laurel so what’s Michaela talking about with “you’ve forgiven everyone”??? Tegan is right if she wants to hate her! She brought her into this mess when Tegan was all about working hard and living her best life til Michaela ruined it.

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Shout by Ana

No! Not Oliver! Don't you dare!

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I love this show so f*****g much!!!!! I'm sure it's not Oliver, my guess it is Asher/Frank/Nate

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