7.5/10. This is one of those episodes featuring some outlandish plan or scheme with the gang testing out its effects. The idea of "The Naked Man" is pretty silly, but fits the goofy tone of the show well enough to work. I liked that the show did well by showing several shades of it. Robin trying to convince herself that she was genuinely interested in Mitch worked to reinforce the basic premise. Ted's worked as a way to get him back in the game. Barney's failure at it was a nice reversal for the usually successful pickup artist. And Lily and Marshall was the best of the three, as it not only showed that the fairer sex could get it on the plan, but played up Marshall's sensitive personality while looping it back in to Lily's openness and the strong core of their relationship.

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The Naked Man worked 50% of the time IRL.

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Of course, Barney's attempt was the one that failed. I'm disappointed in you, Barney. You're supposed to be the one who succeeds at those sorts of things.

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