I'm probably the only one who thinks this but I think Ted overreacted. It's obvious that they no longer being friends isn't going to last that long so in the end, there wasn't really a point in it happening in the first place.

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Shout by Andrew Bloom

8.5/10. Nice balance of comedy and drama to this one. Barney's frantic quest to avoid having violated the bro code, and the telephone game of people finding out and trying to both help and scold him was excellent. I like the twist that it was, in fact, Robin who spilled the beans, and that Ted's not mad at her, and not necessarily mad at Barney, but just realizing that Barney legitimately has no boundaries and that's the cause of them having a friend-break up. It's some legitimate interpersonal material, but it's livened by the bro code stuff and Robin trying and failing to keep it all under wraps.

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