8.7/10. A few things in particular that I liked about this one. The first was the casual banter between the group that makes this feel like a lived-in friendship (like the quips about Ted's mustache or the gags about Gael's name.) The idea of winning the break-up was a good story engine, both for comedy with Ted trying to cut loose with Mandy Moore's character to Barney's dismay, and the funny but heartfelt conversation between Ted and Robin at the end of the episode that turns that whole idea on its ear (with the fun tag that it's something Future Ted admits is "macho and petty" that makes him feel better). The B-story with Lily and eventually Marshall falling under Gael's spell despite their initial resistance and loyalty to Ted was much slighter, but had plenty of laughs, with Jason Segel putting on a clinic of comedic but underplayed goofiness. Overall, a lot of fun.

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It surprises me how different both Cobie Smulders and Alyson Hannigan look in this episode in comparison to the previous season.

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