I totally forgot Bryan Cranston played Ted's boss, granted I had no idea who he was when I first watched this episode.

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Not my favorite episode. Bryan Cranston and Jane Seymour are both gets, but neither was used to their best potential here. There was the germ of a good idea here with Lily and Ted rubbing off on each other and helping each other pursue what they really want and believe in with their careers, but the kindergarten conceit was overplayed to that end, and just made Lily look ridiculous and a little callous for other people's livelihoods. As for the B-story, I like the idea of casanova Barney meeting his superior in an older and more experienced woman, but the way they did that story was too cheesy, and even kind of gross, for my tastes. Again, both stories had an interesting idea behind them, but went really broad with the delivery and wasted some fairly talented guest stars in the process.

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Starting to really hate Lily now

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So happy to see Bryan Cranston in this one, I'm not saying he didn't do it good, but I know he can do better!

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