Like we say in Brazil: "Pega fogo cabaré" :fire:

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Fantastic episode filled with great dialogue en politics. There are so many ticking time bombs in this show.

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how has Ser Criston not been burned at the stake yet for being a witch for having such anachronistically fabulous hair

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each episode gets better and better.. wow!

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When does this show start to become smart? this could be predicted so early. I want the writer's to be 10 steps ahead. I want Daemon to "win", because he has the most presence. All the other are lacking. Why are they bringing up "The prince that was promised"? that premise was fucked way too much in GOT.

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Ser Criston Cole is a Dragon rider now!

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I shouldnt say this, but this Daemon-Rhaenyra thing turned me on.

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immediately starts guzzling that tea

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Damn! Every new episode is better than the last one…the music is a 10 and every scene is more intense with it…

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Best sex scene in the franchise; you can tell it was directed by a woman.

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The first great episode of this show - easily the best yet. This is probably the first episode that I've found is almost as good as early Game of Thrones.

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This episode made me realize how much this show is lacking a Ned Stark/Sean Bean charisma level good-guy character.

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rhaenyra: how dare you accuse me of something i most definitely did??

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Hm, I assumed that Rhaenyra had some complicated feelings for Alicent in the past, but it wasn't mutual. The way they showed Alicent react to the rumors felt more personal, like she was cheated almost. I can't decide was she hurt or jealous because:
- it was Daemon, specifically and not her;
- her closest friend weren't back and open with her and she hated realisation that she was alone again;
- she was jealous of the lifestyle and freedom she can't afford, old husband she doesn't want or love and children that she doesn't want to produce or loves;
- she was simply afraid for her friend future;
- she was displeased that Rhaenyra refused to marry (she was involved in the organising process same as her husband, if I remember correct) and squandered her effort;
- she wanted to see her friend in the same miserable boat as she was stuck with?

Romantic intent was clearly there, as part of a subtext, in the first two episodes with Rhaenyra (and it's no longer the case for her). But I wonder if it still there, serving some form of motivation for Alicent's actions instead?

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Plate Mail. The medieval lingerie.

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The first three episodes surprised me being good. This kind of episode is about what I expected of GoT.. Like fantasy horny fan hand on a keyboard.. The other hand... Elsewhere

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His actions might be questionable but more Daemon please he’s charismatic and entertaining as hell lol. 8/10.

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Alicent and Rhaenyra… just kiss already

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It seemed to me like a missed opportunity for even more unwanted complications and drama:
Since Rhaenyra swore to Alicent that Daemon had not touched her, she could've pressured Viserys to have Rhaenyra examined that she's still a virgin in order to restore her "virtue". That would've once again fractured Rhaenyra's friendship with Alicent, and, in order to protect Criston, Rhaenyra would've had to admit that Daemon raped her, which would paint Daemon even more as an immoral villain and a threat to the king.

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HBO really loves naked teens it seems... I'm about done with this poorly written soap opera-esque drivel.

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Still struggling to maintain interest in this extended soap opera version of a GoT greatest hits episode. All very predictable.

That director really loves mid shots through furniture.

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The back-to-back-to-back child sex scenes really took me out of this one. sex scenes in HBO shows feel superfluous at the best of time (do we not all know about porn tube sites by now, folks?) but these REALLY fucked with the flow of things.

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The complication to these characters and this plot with all of the conniving politics mixed with family dynamics is peak GOT. You can just imagine how things that are happening in each episode could come into play later and make things even more complicated. Another great episode.

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Ew wtf have I just watched?

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I was so unbearably uncomfortable for that entire hour, catastrophising about all the terrible things that could happen.

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Less than i expected so much

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Giving all the explicit nudity to extras to fill the quota is such a lame cop-out

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I did not expect to see Rhaenyra and Daemon together like THAT, despite having been spoiled that they get married. Very good episode although I am concerned with the aftermath of these events.

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So far the most interesting thing about this show is Daemon. The fact that he went for Rhaenyra doesn't surprise me. Targaryen being Targaryen right?
The show doesn't pack a lot of action yet. I'm still interested to see where it's headed but it's definitely on another level than Game of Thrones. I don't care much for Alicent or her father. Viserys reminds me of a softer version of Ned Stark, noble, trying to do the right thing... I feel an inevitable death coming... that is if the rot doesn't get him first.

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Easily the best episode thus far.

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this show is so lazy, they aren't even trying!

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1x04 - King of the Narrow Sea: 8.4/10 (Impressive, Yet Slightly Flawed)

An intriguing episode, with a pace and tone reminiscent of classical “Game of Thrones.” It's not often that a television episode leaves me speechless, but this one certainly did. A lot was going on, and while most of it had been foreshadowed, the episode's runtime of 60 minutes gave little time to reminisce on everything that was unfolding. Not a single minute of this episode dragged; every line delivered had an impact—riveting from beginning to end. Ira Parker, the writer, does an outstanding job and deserves praise, despite some minor shortcomings. It's too soon to draw any firm conclusions, but I must admit that I was a little puzzled by Daemon's goals and the choices he made in this episode, almost leading me to question the writing. Three episodes' worth of Rhaenyra's arc was compressed into one, yet the feeling remains the equivalent of watching three episodes. The writing was sometimes a tad flimsy, nonetheless, it was another solid episode in arguably the finest television series currently airing.

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Tea tea tea more tea !!!!!!!!!

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A very politics heavy episode but also has a heavy first couple seasons GoT taste.

Quite the conundrum at the end.

Great episode all round. It is good to have interesting and a captivating story to look forward to throughout the season. [Not like that other garbage that is airing at the same time].

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