Wow! I mean, there is no other way it could have ended but with Carrie being an asset in another country. Sad that Homeland has ended. I’ll miss this show and Carrie’s craziness.

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Pretty good edge of your seat action. Def did not see things turning this way. Great ending to a good show. Homeland, you will be missed.

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That was quite a bittersweet ending. If they wanted they could perhaps have added another season showcasing Carrie's adventures in Moscow. Either ways the show ended on a high. Got a lot of memories, how time passes... I tuned in from the second season and we're in 2020 now in a world where events are stranger than fiction..... Will miss this show......

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After eight seasons, the perfect ending the characters deserved. It is surprising how this tv show has managed to go beyond its original concept to build one of the best reflections on how conflicts in the Middle East are handled from the West.

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I've been following the show since the beginning. Great ending. I feel an orphan. I remember thinking how difficult it must be to live like the characters having a job in such an unstable and dangerous life. Now, 9 years later, I feel like the world has become an episode of Homeland. It has caught up with what we've been watching. In 2020, and after a new paradigm-shifting global event like the coronavirus pandemic, it is strange to think that there is still a sign in the CIA Office that reads, “Every day is September 12th,”. For nearly 20 years that has been what drove people like Carrie and Saul, who operate on finding a net good in their world to justify “the cost of doing business". Thank you Claire Danes for such amazing performances. People should always remember 2 things in life: "What would Carrie Mathison do?" and "Don't take no for an answer."

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Such a nice and clever ending. It was cool how Carrie smiled finally after so many desperate cries. This show will be missed!

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A great conclusion to an excellent series, pretty much on par with the whole series where you will go back and forth from "FUCK YOU CARRY" to "Oh Carry... goddamn, Carry".

Sad to see this show go, but it's better than seeing it lose itself.

PS. Still not liking a lot of that acid-Jazz music nor the headnodding though

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After last week setting up a scenario with some jump-the-shark finale potential in the Dexter vein, I really like that this scales down all the catalysts for high stakes and (excellent) tension to be almost wholly on Carrie & Saul, leading to the best acting episode for both Danes and Patinkin in a few seasons. As a series finale I find this fitting and moving. The epilogue almost tips the line into goofy, but still sticking closely to the main relationship makes it satisfying as well.

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First off, many thanks to the cast, and production teams of Homeland. It's been a great ride! I will miss being put on the roller coaster you guys call "episodes" every week. Saul: I'm gonna miss watching you act, and hopefully you will be in your next project, I can't wait to watch. - Carrie: You are brilliant! I hate you for making me worry so much about you week to week! Great job. Thanks for doing your thing so well to stay in the game, and keeping Saul alive. You're a fabulous actress and I wish the series could've continued so you could show off how well you could do things from the other side. Thank you again the whole team and Showtime for giving us viewers one of the great shows to watch!!

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Fair ending, tied things up nicely but... if all she needed to do was go to that illegal settlement in the West Bank and spin Saul's sister a lie about his demise to get her hands on the name, why go through all the trouble of betraying her country in such a violent way first? It saved her precisely zero time (added some, if anything), and made her a pariah in her own country. That was season 3 levels of plotting, and was a disappointment when the show had otherwise raised its game for the final season.

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I though Homeland will end up destroying Carrie's character until I've seen the excellent ending. Homeland is one of the best TV Series I'm following. So sad that it already ended. Hoping that there will be another series like this. Congrats to the Great Homeland Team.

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Homeland season finales were never orthodox, and this was no exception. I like this show.

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ahh what an ending for an amazing show, I'll miss it :(

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A weird and a strange ending! All in all, I enjoyed the entire show!!!

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There were certain things that felt unsatisfying about the way things went in this finale. Like, I would have loved for Carrie to have come up with this super smart solution, maybe even with Saul involved, but what happened certainly is a realistic scenario. I'm glad they chose to include that final scene though, because it felt appropriate, and leaves the episode feeling much better as a result. Going to miss this show.

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Wow! What an amazing ending!!

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I’ve been watching the show since 2014. Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin gave us what we want every season (okay, except the dreadful season seven). Homeland, you’ll be missed.

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A well conceived and portrayed series finale! Had some fears as we were moving through the last couple of episodes that wouldn't be able to provide a satisfactory finish but it did. Thanks for a very good drama.

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This was an intense episode, really wrapped things up in a way not many would have expected. What an ending. Huge congratulations to the staff for making this episode so captivating, great performance.

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Excellent ending but it is a shame it has ended so want to see carries adventures in moscow :scream::thumbsup_tone1:

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It was the only time from many series that I was thinking To hell with Carrie

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Great show! Great finale! This was one of the best shows on TV. I wish there were more like this!

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Great show! Great finale! This was one of the best shows on TV. I wish there were more like this!

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To bad that when the show after about three sleepy seasons had the potential to become a little more interesting again, they end it. Spin-off or reboot in a couple of years? Well, well... Thanks for the entertainment!

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I must say that I'm satisfied with this amazing shows ending. Thanks for everything Homeland.

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Spoilers. The series ended a lot more upbeat than what I was expecting.

Carrie made me real angry. It was around the beginning of this season that she worried about her asset. It is their primary job and goal to cultivate an asset. Then she betrays an asset of their own, causes her to die and at the end, she becomes a secret asset? How would she like it if Saul gave her identity away and caused her to die?

And let's not start with Carrie sending a secret message in plain English!

It kind of felt small. I liked the overall idea of spies and discovering their identity, maybe if this season was only about that, that would have been better and more satisfying.

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Shout by ibra87

Everyone seems happy with this finale but I'm not.. Actaully the whole season tbh..
This was the finale, we've been with these characters for close to a decade so we know them pretty well by now of we're tuning in..

That said what I wanted for Carrie this season was a Carrie on top of her game, we know she has mental issues or whatever.. We know she's struggled being a mum.. What I wanted to see was a concisously flawed female James bond going after the bad guys.. She might occasionally stumble but bounce back and get into "oh oh" carrie is coming for you mode.. But nope, she's duped like always, since the 1st season.. Gets a kiss and her brain is wiped.. Drugged and manipulated.. The same things we've seen before but after 8 seasons she hasn't managed to learn from..

I really wanted a BA Carrie this season, kick ass, take names. Then go home to end knowing she conquered her demons.. But it seems they in the end got the better of her

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I don't know if I believe Carrie would be in any position to be able to get her hands in classified Russian material and send it to Saul. I also don't understand the point of sending secret messages in plain English inside some books travelling from Russia to the US. Why not just send Saul an email address for some provider with end-to-end encryption like ProtonMail? Carrie could access the web anywhere and even get the extra protection of a VPN. I'm sure that beats the security and practicability of that old book method, no?

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At last a series with proper end! :clap_tone1:

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Shout by Jayowski

Last two Homeland seasons might as well have never existed at all, along with the flash-forward at the end of S06.
Both seasons and aforementioned flash-forward are work of some fanfic-writing hack.

Wow, what a horrible way to end a series on. Bad taste is all.

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Excellent series the ending was justified will miss Carrie and Saul great talent.

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one of the best finales I have ever seen. I can't think of a show who ran for so long and ended on such a perfect note

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Shout by Agent24

Wow! What a finale and what an ending. Even though I hoped for a different ending for Carrie I guess it was the only ending that made sense for her character. Over the course of the show we saw over and over again that the Intelligence world was were she was happiest, kind of. Carrie taking away Sauls asset, betraying him and then ending up as the asset herself was really a nice twist at the end. Overall an amazing show and I‘m so sad to see it go. But it really ended on a high which is what anyone can only hope for.

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The ending that this great show deserved. We love you Carrie and Saul.

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What a finish of season. It is a pity that the end is right now. The last episode reveals the story for the next 3-4 seasons.
Which is the good news. I'm looking forward for new season.

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I thought there was something off with epilogue but then those final minutes put a big smile on my face.
Good, satisfying finale. I wouldn't rank it among the greatest in TV history, though.

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Wow, glad that's over. I couldn't take much more of it. Great finale.

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