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Homeland: Season 1

1x05 Blind Spot

"We don't do torture here" - Yeah, right !

There's no way I feel sympathy or pity for Carrie. There's still nothing proved. She's trying to make the facts fit her pre-formed theory. They want us to think it was Brody slipping Hamid that blade. Which is too obvious.

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First Carrie with Brody at the safe house, then Brody in Estes' office and again in the interrogation room. Three scenes where the lead actors of the show were clearly directed to act like the were acting, because in that moment, that's what their characters were doing. Watching all three scenes, though, I found myself wondering, "why are they acting badly?". Even though I think there are good reasons both for Carrie and Brody not to be up to their usual deceptive best in those moments, it's still a pretty audacious move for the creative team to risk having their lead actors look like they're doing poor work. It's a successful ploy- in my opinion - but it still seems like a brand of subtlety that Homeland isn't really suited to. At least in this early going.
That said, it's a cool as heck bit of craft, though.

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Shout by dgw

Went back to check when I started watching Homeland and noticed that I marked this episode as seen on my birthday—my default "unknown" date—because apparently when I actually watched it (in early 2015) I forgot to mark it then. That's annoying. Past me screwed up bad.

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