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His Dark Materials

Season 1

Philip Pullman’s epic fantasy saga is brought to life in the HBO series His Dark Materials. Season 1 follows an intrepid young girl named Lyra who goes in search of her best friend Roger when he’s kidnapped by a mysterious group, and then attempts to help her uncle after learning that he’s been imprisonment (pretty much Book 1 of the novels). The cast is fairly solid, though the performances are rather middling. And the writing is uneven, particularly in the latter episodes that start working in the transition to Book 2. Still, the CGI and special effects are especially well-done, and the action scenes are exciting. Also, the score does an impressive job at enhancing the tone of the material; giving it an epic, otherworldly feel. Yet while Season 1 of His Dark Materials show some promise, it’s also inconsistent and seems to be focused more on serving the source material than adapting it for the television medium.

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I liked it, just liked it. I don't feel the need to complain about anything but this: i wish this was a slow paced story, they literally crammed 3 seasons in 8 episodes. In my dream world i would have loved this story if it was divided as following:
Season 1 - until Lyra finds out who her mother is
Season 2 - Ioren named king of bears
Season 3 - Lyra travels to another world.

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Very enjoyable first season that feels like they adapted the source material well to the medium of television. Some great special effects, costuming and set design from a great Cardiff production company, Bad Wolf. The casting and acting are decent, although the writing in dialogue isn't always lucid, coming across forced. Perhaps that has more to do with Pullman's original contributions though. Lorne Balfe does a great job of scoring this. I'll have that theme song in my head for a while for sure.

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This is not a bad story, but it has very little to do with the books. The story in the books is eternal and alive!

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This is a marvellous series for those who love fantastic adventures. Spectacular cast. Wonderful performances. Dafne Keen was a revelation in LOGAN and, now, she has matured into a multi-dimensional actor. Ruth Wilson is brilliant, as always. An intriguing premise and storytelling. Convincing special effects. I give this series a 10 (wonderful) out of 10. This has already been renewed and my hope is that they take on the whole series of books. [Fantasy Adventure]

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Question: if The Golden Compass was a box office disaster and did not have therefore continuation; What does it mean to make a whole series of the novel on which it was based? Does it contribute something new to nonsense size? At the moment I will give it a chance although it does not look good after seeing the first chapter.

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