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Hero Mask 2018

It is not horrible, but kind of absolutely average. It feels this could have been easily 8 instead of 24 episodes, it feels make episodes are not contributing much long term. Watchable, but not too exciting.

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Having finished the series, I think it does a lot of things well: having a full cast of deep and capable characters, solid artwork, good voice acting, and a very deep narrative. But for all those things, it's often too complex for it's own good, and takes far too long getting around to any plot development that it's hard to stay engaged. It also has serious problems with pacing, seeing almost full minutes with no dialogue or meaningful action. While it's a series that I hope will be improved as they build on this starting point, it's not a very strong start.

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I didn't have any expectations when starting this show on Netflix. One of my teenagers said "Don't watch it, it's no good" but I plunged in anyway, "I'll form my OWN opinion, thank you very much." All in all I enjoyed the show enough, it was pleasing to my thinking mind, procedural mystery well done.

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Shout by sp1ti

I have no idea what I hoped for (and my expectations were looow) but this show is offensively boring and generic at best... I don't think I will finish this. It feels very un-animeish (just the OP alone will let you know that and is more akin to procedurals aka very exposition heavy and frankly boring since they forgot to add interesting characters into the cast (if they are even worthy of being recognized as a human being). Many of the action scenes are also done quite poorly and suffer from sometimes atrocious editing so nothing to see there either. The mask as pretty much the only sci-fi element of but didn't add any excitement either.

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