Basically how I've always wanted Harley Quinn to be portrayed.

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Loving this “Not for the kids” version!!! Need more shows like this!!!

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Totally digging this "not for kids" version of animated Quinn! I have no problem separating Kaley from Big Bang Theory.. The more blood, guts and interesting make out sessions the better! Simply because the days of puritanical views on tv should be over! Join the rest of the world!

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  • Woah, that is disgusting
  • They're just having this relationship convo while casually committing mass murder
  • Jeez, what happened to Gordon?

"Asks the guy who fucks bats" — Harley LMAO

  • RIP the kid's cactus
  • Oh my God, Harley needs help!
  • Poor Poison Ivy
  • Jim Gordon, why did you think Batman would accept a barbecue invitation?

"And we're murdering everyone in Gotham in three, two..."

  • Joker, you bi—
  • Oh my gosh, this is genius

"Joker never loved me. He only loves Batman."

  • Omg, Ivy you genius
  • Wow, this show is gory

Wow, that was amazing! "Harley Quinn" is the best thing I've seen today! It's laugh-out-loud hilarious and steeped in character! I hope it keeps up this quality or gets better! Wow, this is fun. Thanks for the tip, Sarcastic Chorus!

SCORE: 8/10

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Absolute riot of a first ep. I'm here for the f-bomb laden slug fest. Also Ivy's voice is HOT!

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Probably the best start to a cartoon I've seen in a very long time. It's about time they took this kind of an approach at DC

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Wow, I'm extremely impressed by the self-awareness of this show and its commentary on superhero antics and silliness. Amazing.

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Melissa Rauch got a lot of crap when she talked for Harley Quinn. I think she did a fine job. Sounds more like Haley Quinn than Kaley Cuoco “also from the Big Bang Theory.”
Cuoco’s mostly tries to shock the audience with her bad mouth. Either way her version is so love sick and whiny. If you close your eyes and just listen you can picture her talking to Leonard or Sheldon.
Harley Quinn is definitely not for kids. The show is like the goofy Teen Titans Go! but for adults. I am not totally sure what I think of it yet.

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I like the voice for Poison Ivy, but not as much the voice Harley got. My favorite Harley voice so far is Margot Robbie, Birds of Prey.

Why does Harley want to be a villain? She'd make such a good hero. But I guess that dichotomy is part of what keeps her/it interesting.

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Thats how all comic animations should look like this <3

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I like everything about this except the Harley costume. I'm a classical Harley lover. I want her in the Harlequin doll outfit this one the one she ends up in I've never liked. Poison Ivy's outfit on the other hand it amazing.

The voices are pretty okay. Tudyk isn't quite Joker but he's close, he's good and he's flexible. Kaley Cuoco however is the impressive one nailing Harley Quinn. I guess she isn't the one trick pony I feared she would be. It's funny. It's a small thing but very necessary. It's laugh out loud funny. Long live Lake Bell's exasperated Poison Ivy.

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I liked it, i thought it was going to be really stupid and anoying but it was funny and entertaining.

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Da fuk??!! Alright, I get an adult version, but how about more content instead of so much gratuitous violence? I mean the "Batman and Harley Quinn" movie was adult without all the blood and was actually funny. Not that this isn't funny, but the movie didn't rely on so much gore. It did use fart jokes though...

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Not sure what to think about this yet... Has potential, but I do hope "hey look how much graphic violence, disgusting shit and heavy swearing we have!!!" is not gonna be the whole show's main energy... (so far it feels a bit like the batman version of... like... american dad or something which i personally do not dig...) Also this is just personal but Harley and Joker's makeout session is gross, fuck that. I am glad this show starts with their breakup lol

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