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Halo: Season 2

2x03 Visegrad

THIS SHOW IS STARTING TO SUCK REALLLLLLY QUICK! Remove Kwan's side story and every other side story and focus on master chief's story. People watch halo to watch master chief, not all these dumb ass side stories.

Kwan: Take the helmet off, they'll notice you. Kid takes helmet off and holds it. There is no way they can see the helmet when he is holding it....... dumb.

I do not like the "new" cortana. Stop fixing shit that ain't broke.

Unimpressed with the "build up" to the covenant attack. THIS ALL SEEMS SO DAM CHEESY!


Dam Liberal Hollywood has to make every white role an ethnic one. So old!

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They managed to turn Master Chief into a total a**hole, thanks show creators. I don't even like this guy anymore.

It's a far cry from that epic feeling it was to be the Chief when playing Halo, when you walked into a crowd and everyone was in pure ave because "that's Master Chief..."

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Wokeness on full effect mode. Blind and gay. Surprised they didn’t make the gay guy have 1 leg and 1 arm.

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Crap episode this show just keeps getting worse with every episode sigh

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And a gay interaction, just to be socially correct in this warped world of ours.....

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They need to remove some of the boring subplots. The astroid people ruin the flow of the show. Halo didn't need a fat albino poof either.
Leave the soaps drama for the midday; Needs more action 30-40mins per episode.

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I miss when Master Chief killed the Covenant.

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For the life of mine I could never have imagined dropping this show after season one. I was so exited for season two. But they totally screwed up, destroyed everything they build up so far. It's a completely different animal.
Who cares about things like Akerson's father having dementia ? Is this supposed to be character background to explain his actions ? I don't care ! Add "Drama" to the genres because that is what's it become. Every new character they added so far is boring af and is only there to serve certain purposes.
Sorry, but I'm not interested anymore. Didn't even bother finishing this one. And it's more proof positive for me that I should not watch another new show.

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So, there is a Gay Couple.
In Halo

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Are lighting guys in short supply or something? I can't see shit this episode. :person_shrugging:

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More negativity in the comments, so once again I'm going to inject my more positive take. I'm not saying this was a perfect episode. Yes, I was disappointed that the opening didn't end with an action sequence, but the build up/tension was well done, and the way it played out adds more weight to the ONI intrigue/drama. At the end of the day, this is an episode to balance the budget. A cheap talk-y episode so they can save money for extended action sequences in other episodes. I think they are doing a respectable job with both the writing and performances to make even these cheap episodes compelling. Ackerson has definitely been the stand out for me. The actor is killing the role and the development/back story reveal in this episode was excellent. The scene between him and Halsey was fantastic.

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If you don’t like it, in fact hate it, STOP WATCHING!!!

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Great episode, loving this show more and more! Damn haters are getting annoying…. Just stfu if you don’t want to watch it. No one cares for your crapping on this show.

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The explosion at the end looked so cheap.

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Benny, Jenny, Lenny and Keith (not Kenny) LMAO!!!

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Season 2 gone full woke. Disappointing and disgusting. Why do these leftard showrunners have to ruin everything?

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I have had it already, every movie/ TV show I watch has a gay couple or the protagonist is gay.

This is not right.

Makes me really uncomfortable, when watching movies with my little boys and they questioned me. "Dad is that okay?"

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They take a LONG time on useless psychology, what I want to see is action.

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Okay. A lot of staging until now. Lets see how it goes. Time to things start moving!

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