Movies and shorts based on the works of HP Lovecraft (some only loosely), have Lovecraftian themes or strong references to Lovecraft or are clearly Lovecraft inspired.

Some might be fringe cases and not considered Lovecraftian by purists but are included because the atmosphere is suggestive of Lovecraft's work, there are clear nods to Lovecraft and in some case it is just because of name dropping or big tentacle monsters.

Missing on Trakt:
- Corpse-O-Rama (2001)
- The Whisperer in Darkness (2007)
- Lovecraft Chronicles (2009 Series)


Maybe I'll finish these again someday


All Series Episodes that I watch in 2023
- Year: 137 episodes - 2d 9h 47m

  • January: 36 episodes - 15h 46m
  • February: 25 episodes - 11h 30m
  • March: 76 episodes - 1d 6h 32m

Various Halloween themed episodes from comedies


Not in full order. Just everything i have watched on Netflix missing 6 items compered to Netflix list


Not in full order. Just most things i have watched on Netflix, Shows in progress 2024-03-29, im only keeping Show and Season Heads, trying to folder all episodes in to separat folders
