why is Meisner 's ghost haunting shaun? this plot point seems very childish and I wonder how is it connected at all.. there are so many unanswered questions - how does Diana have all those powers? what does the stick do? what do the symbols mean? how did black claw disappear all of sudden? where is the resistance? how did they turn Juliette to all super charged eve? also its laughable how easily juliette and nick forgot about the relationship and how it okay for nick and adalind to be together .. you cannot fall in love with a rapist thats not normal

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Loved the mantis ending. Was feeling sorry for her until that!

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I don't know about you, but I'd have trouble connecting a black statue to a basic sketch without some sort of context. It's not like the sketch had any distinctive features, nor the statue for that matter.

If Meisner is actually haunting him (and even if he isn't), then WHERE. IS. HIS. AC. CENT? And why is he acting so much more casual and cheery than we've ever seen him? I honestly don't understand why they'd make Meisner (even if he's a figment) so un-Meisner...


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