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Grimm: Season 4

4x09 Wesenrein

Hold on. I just realized something. Nick and Juliette have a guest bedroom, complete with a bed and everything. That's where Trubel was staying for who knows how long. So, if they have a guest room, why the HELL was Nick sleeping on the couch during Juliette's amnesia?? Did she not even want him on the same floor as her??

Not gonna lie. I kinda wanna see Rosalee go all primal on some deserving Wesenrein...


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reference to Nazi symbol? Intentional I guess? I love that Wu is on board now with the wesen thing. Love such action packed episodes

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It's interesting how easily Juliet becomes a witch while Adelin should have done all that painstaking process.

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Shockingly when you watch this the topic is very Nazi like; I'm quite sure that's intentional. At points the comments the characters make send my blood cold. I sadly do think another few millennia need to pass before the human race can accept one another.

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