I thought this was fun in a way this show hasn’t been for me in a looong time.

(I also thought it was going swimmingly well until they brought Owen back, and at almost the last minute too like a surprise. Was I supossed to be pleased?)

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Some nice homages/parallels to season one without being too on the nose. Nice or see Harry Shum Jr on my screen again too.
Bold move making the annoying pretty boy be Derek's nephew. That means we aren't getting rid of him I guess! Or he'll be the Alex of the class and grow slowly into a decent human being.

Really thought we'd escaped Owen and Teddy but there they were with a perfectly wrapped up storyline at the end. Ughhh. Lazy and unwanted!

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I love the new interns, and the interactions in this episode were great! Hope they keep it up

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With so many parallels to the first season you’d think they would at least try to recreate some of that feeling, yet feels hollow and rushed most of the time.

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Schmitt got chonky...or maybe pink just isn't his colour...

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This felt like a cheap rehash of the Grey's Anatomy of old, including the introduction in the OR, stupid mistakes, the intern who's sleeping with an attending etc. None of the characters feel engaging enough to overlook this cheap repetition.

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Shout by Tagouga

It's been a long time since I have been excited for a Grey's season but I think this one may just be what the show needs. I am actually interested to know more about all the new interns, which is more than I can say about a lot of the faces that we have been introduced to throughout the years.

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Niko Terho and Jake Borelli are reunited (from The Thing About Harry)!!! I wonder how they're gonna handle them meeting for the first time.... and if he's going to be Schmitt's love interest.

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