Oh George O’Malley! I got goosebumps seeing him again! It has been so long...

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George’s “comeback” hits me a lot harder than Derek’s, I wasn’t ready for that! I would watch a full episode of Meredith and George catching up on things and reminiscing about old times.

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So seeing McDreamy didn't get to me but goddamn George O'Malley sure did! Oh bless him and his sweet voice.

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Shout by poppl
BlockedParent2020-12-06T04:00:13Z— updated 2020-12-19T20:53:18Z

There has been been a serious drop in writing quality since Shonda left ABC for Netflix. It's felt lazy and filled with forced storylines.

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I wasn't aware how quickly I could have tears streaming down my face. Instant waterworks when I realised I was looking at George! Meredith calling his name in her sleep made my heart sink. Along with the bit of laughs around Meredith/George, as well as JJ (I am officially shipping them now) and the serious lines around amelia and maggie and co, that was such a great episode. Although I really hope we get more progress on Meredith in the next one, I'd love to be able to know what happens to her before mid-season!

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Shout by Evelyn

I'm very sad for Koracick in this episode. He's not perfect, but he deserves something that is totally HIS to feel secure (and therefore - more kind and less defensive, which is the ultimate source of all his aggressions).
I don't like the situation with him and Teddy, it's like they're all floating around with no purpose, and the COVID line is just a mean to make it less apparent. So yeah, real drop in quality, but what can I say, we've been at this so long, so I'd see it through.
The conversation between Mer and George is probably the highlight of this episode.
The Jo-Jackson thing feels forced, It could be more logical if she and Delucca got close again, since they have a shared history, and It'd be a nice exit from his relationship with Meredith.

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i hope they never destroy Amelia n Link.
Jo and jackson=ew
I love see again George ♡ and sse him, mer, bailey and webber together it got me emotional

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Nico handled that very loaded racial question with a lot of grace.
YAS! It's important to address better diagnosis for minority groups with higher risk factors. Owen's potential white fragility is not more important than speaking up.

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Is it me, or is Shonda is using COVID to put Meredith off the show, along with a couple characters who only revolve around her like DeLuca? If she’s about to see former characters in her “limbo” state, I’m looking forward to her seeing Derek again, holding his hand and judging the mess that is this hospital from up above. A bit like Gossip Girl meets Drop Dead Diva.

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Such touching moments with George and Meredith. But seeing Dr Tom, made me sick!

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