Jackson probably had one of the better send offs of any character on this show.

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WTF was that? We don't get to see Meredith mourn Andrew's death? They used to be together! That is some lazy writing right there

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Can't a huge fire break out at Grey, Sloan memorial, Station 19 crew be sent to deal with it and the entire building explodes, with everyone still inside?

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They are SO desperate to recreate the magic of the earlier seasons with Jackson's farewell. The harder they try the worse it is.

Really enjoyed the storyline around the grandfather, especially the scene where he met his great-grandaughter. Even with Jackson leaving, that was the scene that stole the episode for me: such a beautiful and sweet moment.

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Dangit I'm going to miss Avery & Korasic. Boooooo

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Those fake babies freak me out!! Especially when they move and open their eyes & body!! So weird!!

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God I miss the old Grey's

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I didn't think I would care this much but turns out I do like Jackson Avery. The hate/love thing I've had for him leans more toward love. Or maybe it's just the sentiment of losing another one of our regulars.
Oh and every time they even mention or hint at DeLuca... my heart just breaks again!

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I was in tears when Jackson was talking with Mer, I am in tears every time they mention Andrew... But it does say that this ep was good in a way so i can be mad. One of the better ones this season, makes me hopeful after s16 which wasnt really that good either. It still isn't GA good but good enough to make me want to see the next ep.

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