Nope. Still not into it.

And the "ortho-god" dude? Ew, no. Ugh.
(I'm loving Meredith's 110% disdainful attitude towards him, keep it up girl!)

Bailey's was kind of a dick move stealing Jo and the fellowship idea right from under Meredith's nose, no? Then again, Bailey's always been a little back-stabby. Not the first time she's screwed someone over for her own gain. OMG remember Minnick? She was the worst!

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Wow. Bailey is definitely one of the worst characters of the show. She’s only beaten by Jackson and Maggie, which must be the couple with the least chemistry in TV history. I mean, even Rachel and Joey on Friends made more sense (...yeah. maybe not.)

The “god” just seems a rip-off from that dude in Supernatural, I guess we’ll see him out pretty soon. As for the other new guy, well it “only” took 15 seasons to introduce an openly gay male regular character (not counting the bartender, who happened to be gay just for the purpose of a storyline).

Still don’t understand why I’m watching that show. Oh yeah. To hopefully see a happy ending for Meredith. Might not happen anytime soon...

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Ugh, this show keeps up the trend from last season to push different agendas. Maybe it's time to end it. Everybody had sex with everybody so it's time to cancel.
And is this new "ortho god" supposed to be super sexy? I really don't like his look. He looks like a surfer dude who is more appropriate for Baywatch type of movie.

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Oh man did Cece make me cry. That breakdown where she said she didn't want another heart really hit me. Props to the actress.
As always. I couldn't care less about Amelia and Owen.
Also glasses getting all confused around hot new doctor? I can't blame him there.

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that was so freaking good !

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Shout by Martim

This new doctor whom casually calls himself “ortho-god” is such a creep. On the other hand, I’m intrigued by the asian doctor and Glasses.

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Grey's anatomy is not Grey's anatomy anymore...

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