ineffable husbands to ineffable dads. we love the growth

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Raise your hand if you replayed the "I was wrong" dance.

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Wow what a reboot! I didn't expect another series after the was no source material but it is truly great to see a come back

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I cannot stop grinning! It's absolutely ineffable, lol. Just this first episode of the new season is so, SO worth the wait! :grinning:

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I love the I was wrong dance

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It’s impossible not to like this.. even a little.. and even the most humourless person will find a smile creeping in more than once.

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The old married couple vibes & crowley creating the heavens!!!

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An absolute, unequivocal delight! It is so, so good to be back with these characters, I cannot wait to see where the story goes…

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wait guys.. what was the POINT of gomens s1 if Crowley and Aziraphale didn't spend the rest of their lives sucking and fucking.

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watched first two episodes in the cinema as a prime premiere- brilliant!!! can’t wait for the rest

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Why is Crowley living in his car?

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Seriously disappointed Frances McDormond isn't reprising her role. What a huge let down considering it likely would have taken her an afternoon of voice-over work.

An amazing episode, but Frances McDormond should have been part of the intro.

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Jon Hamm is killing me this episode.

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OMG, Jon Hamm walking down the street. That expression is priceless. And the jiggle. OMFG that was hysterical.

He is just so wonderful in this show! He and Michael Sheen are my two favorite actors/characters in the show.

I love David Tennant, but I don't think he stretched himself much with Crowley. Not like Hamm and Sheen did.

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Wow. Surprisingly this seems like a good extension of the original material. Looks like we're going on a trip of Crowley and Aziraphale's interactions/collaborations throughout the ages. Coupled with a new mystery and coming war between Heaven and Hell.

If it follows the original, I'm assuming the Maggie/Nina thing will turn out important somehow, but for now looks like a filler side story.

Tennant is still amazing. Sheen's good too, of course, but the character is less flashy and fun. And just wow for John Hamm. The creepy/innocent amnesiac angel part is just perfect. There's nothing much to play there, and yet he's shining in every scene he's in.

The humour is still there. Loved the Heaven's alarm.

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- aziraphale's "I'm very good at forgiveness"
- aziraphale's reaction when Jim says I love you

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