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Good Omens

Season 2

this season hasn't left my mind once since it came out weeks ago and frankly i don't want it to

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It is clear they reached the end of the source material. The attempts to mimic Terry Pratchett were disturbingly awful, and many scenes just outright childish. Is there nothing anymore that isn’t a crash grab ridden by the talentless.

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Loved season one. Season two is poop.

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when it was first announced, i was firmly of the opinion that good omens didn't need a second season. now, having watched it, i still don't think good omens needed a second season.

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Angels and Demons falling in love. About as thought provoking as a Hallmark Channel special.

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my gay babies why do you hurt me so

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The record shop shtick seems so 20 years ago. Has nobody told Neil Gaiman vinyl has had a massive resurgence and is hip again now??

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There are many comments here saying that season 2 is bad or woke. But it's neither of those.
It's not bad, it just hasn't the same world ending threat at the end, while being even more emotionally draining on the characters and watchers.
It's not woke, at least not more than the first season.

The first season introduced us to the rules of this world and had a pretty straight forward main story which developed the characters on the side.
This second season is more character driven with a mystery plot on the side. Many parallels, hints and references to its source material and other shows. Great new characters while still Focusing on the main two.

I can't write more without spoiling some things, just know that the ones moaning about how this show is ruined probably only enjoyed the apocalypse plot and did not really care about the characters who stopped it.

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Shout by anonym anonym
BlockedParent2023-07-28T17:51:35Z— updated 2023-07-31T14:09:46Z

Not quite as nice as the first season, but you can see what it's building up for season 3. Spoilers: Metatron is not who he says he is.

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How the mighty have fallen!! After a spectacular first season, the second looks like it was written as fan fiction.
Instead of focusing on the main story (Gabriel missing) and taking advantage of Jon Hamm’s comedic abilities, it kept bringing in new storylines and characters, only for all to be a MacGuffin! As someone else pointed out, this is a Hallmark movie!

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What the hell did I watch? Unbearable nonsense of the highest calliber, the script is awful

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Overall o.k., trying to keep the spirit of the original book and season 1. But some parts feel a bit unnecessarily woke-washed. Jobs wife, Sitis, does not fit the location. Jobs tomb is in Oman, an Arab woman would have been a fitting cast. Or did Job go plundering the south-eastern africa region to acquire a wife? Felt a bit out of place, sadly.
The final part about the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale was a bit... pushing and not quite in line with how I perceived the chemistry between them throughout the show and the book. Just did not really fit and felt really pushed. The relations between the shopkeepers felt much more natural and fitting.
Also, the last episode felt at the same time a bit rushed (getting all the conclusions done and such) and a bit long (about 30 minutes in I was ready for the credits, but then they just kept adding, possibly to build up to a 3rd season).

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Enjoyed this season as much as the first one. The writing is still just as top notch and the characters remain the same quality. The ending is also devastating (sorry not sorry) but that’s a knock to how well all characters are written

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This season is just a prelude to the next season.

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I loved first season, I can't wait for this one, only a week to go!

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too much gay shit for me to truly enjoy this season, even if the acting is still good, i think i will better read the source material

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Oh wow. So they're gay now. Okay then. Well Im a little dissapointed, didn't think this season focused on the right things or utilized the comedic opportunities of the cast members or situations. I might be calling it quite after that last episode.

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if we don’t get a season 3 to repair my little heart im going to cry

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Shout by ksyk

Rewatched this to find out if it was a retread of s1's themes and the answer is sort of yes and sort of no. It's a character study that doesn't resolve positively/in change (because the strikes threw off the good omens production plan, because it's part 2 of a trilogy). It also kinda works better if I thought of it as a 3 part book series, rather than tv writing, somehow. It feels like how books end openly and leave trails behind rather than how tv seasons end

It's the stickiest thing I've watched this year so far because episodes 1,5,6 are all more ambigious and open for reading than they seem to be. the job episode alone is worth the price of admission.

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Bah, don't listen to the naysayers! I feel season 1 was somewhat better, but by no means is season 2 bad; I still enjoyed it a lot and I do not feel I wasted even a second of my time watching it.If you can tolerate British humour, there's little to not like here!

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The second season of "Good Omens" focuses exclusively on the relationship between the two protagonists, diluting a modest storyline in a rather confusing way. Although there is no novel to adapt, original writer Gaiman is still writing all the episodes. Once again, the show emphasizes the inability of religion to understand both the physiological needs and the emotional mechanisms of human beings, revealing a kind of bureaucracy that is contradictory and disconnected from reality both in Heaven and Hell. Despite the uncertainties and the slightly repetitive humor, the viewing experience remains overall enjoyable.

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my initial impression was that s2 was pretty weak and all over the place sprinkled with cute moments from aziraphale and crowley but it really all comes together in the last half of the last episode

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