My Thoughts: This show is one of my favorite Disney Channel sitcoms, and I enjoyed this episode just as much as the others. It's cute, it's funny, and it's clean; what's not to like? I have to hand it to Bradley Steven Perry, who plays Gabe; when he was upset, I really felt his pain. I may have been late to the party when it comes to this show, but I still love it!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A scene of emotional intensity. 4/5
Other: Someone is insulted because of his weight. 4/5

Score: 4.5/5

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