Personal Lists featuring...

Global Frequency 2005


Movies Inspiried by DC Comics


List created and maintained by



List created and maintained by



Bet you find in here some movies/shows you never knew they were based on graphic novels or comics. I won't include superhero stuff in this, besides some exceptions maybe.


Todas as produções em live-action possíveis + algumas animações, tomando como base para a linha cronológica o Arrowverse.

Alguns itens estão organizados de acordo com o ano da história e não pelo ano de lançamento.
Os filmes do Superman com o Christopher Reeve estão organizados considerando "Superman O Retorno", com Brandon Routh Jr, mantendo o Arrowverse
The Batman foi colocado em "1996" por conta de ser o ano do arco "O Longo Dia das Bruxas", que será adaptado no filme
Mulher Maravilha e Krypton estão antes de tudo pq são antes de tudo
Devido a participação de Lucifer em "Crise nas Infinitas Terras", pela cronologia, a série "Lúcifer" vem no pós-crise

Como o próprio nome sugere, o multiverso está colapsado, então não se trata de uma unica linha do tempo, mas de várias linhas do tempo colidindo.


All series based on DC Comics and his imprints.


The current and main universe is unrelated to the DC Cinema and entitled the "Arrowverse" starting with "The Arrow" and including other shows to the most recent "DC's Legends of Tomorrow", also including a few animated and live-action webseries ending with "Chronicles of Cisco".

"Krypton" and "Titans", and "Metropolis" and "Watchmen" (not listed), are 4 ordered series. There are then 10 series in production, including "Static Shock", none of which are listed. It is unclear if these will be included in the "Arrowverse", be stand-alones, or create their own universe altogether.

Every other show is stand-alone and are unrelated to the "Arrowverse", though the "Flash" from "The Flash (1990)" makes a cameo in "The Flash (2014)" as well as a sign on a building in "Gotham" from "The Arrow". Additionally, "Mr. J." is a webseries taking place directly after Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight".
