Ok, maybe Jess is better boyfriend material than Dean. Dean would've thrown such a fit if he was in Jess's situation and that was number one flaw of his, imo. That's so low of Dean to pretend to be Rory's friend when he just wants her to date him again.
Though I don't like that every time we see Rory and Jess now that they're dating, they're either kissing or disagreeing on smth. They did that with Rory and Dean too. The writers establish common interests and attractive factors before they date and when they start dating they think that we will still think them compatible? At least we saw Dean reading the books Rory suggested after they started dating. Why do all the time the talk they have to be disagreeing, I get that a show needs conflict but come on.

Emily Gilmore learning from Lorelai! Love that for her. Really interested to see further Emily/Trix dynamics. And Trix having nothing to say about Lorelai's house? What was that about haha (in a good way).

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