Sad episode.

Nice people with good relationships living in same neighnborhod. The cat died which morey and babette see like their children, Cinnamon. And they were in pain.

All neighbours came to say how they were sorry about it. They made a wake for the cat. It was good to see such things.

In the previous episode, rory tried to find the deer if the deer was hurt. So, they seem they care about some animals. I like that.

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would be team dean but jess exists so it's impossible

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I'd never seen this show before, only chunks of this episode in passing - namely the wake, and Rory spotting Mr Medina at her front porch.

So far it's been ok - this isn't typically the type of show I usually invest in, but this episode felt more weak than its predecessors so far.

Rory's awkwardness around Dean is cute, but quite cringe-inducing... At least to me. However, the fact that she can totally and comfortably speak to fellow Chilton yearmates with gumption yet become a babbling mess around her crush easily speaks into how much more introverted she is, especially in comparison to her mother. It's good to see these differences in the two women that share a name and genes ( and cardigans, too! ). The show would otherwise be a bit bland without these distinctions in its two main characters.

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A funny episode and third time is the charm for Gunn.

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why am i sad about a fictional cat

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are there max warriors out there, do you think?

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the bus scene with dean is just too good

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