hot take but rachel not a good manic pixie dream girl and i don't like her at all

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dean is so mf selfish :exclamation: you can't expect a girl to automatically say i love you to her first boyfriend ever after 3 months just cause you said it. then wants to ruin their whole entire anniversary because she didn't say it. it's bullshit

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imagine breaking up with someone on your anniversary.. i mean i have a similar one because my ex broke up with me over text on valentine's day. but we aren't here to digress into my failed love life

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Shout by Kevib

I hope Dean and Rory get back together and also creepy microphone guy should be in jail.

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Like mother, like daughter.

Rory does not love him. That is it. Maybe in future she will love. I cant be sure if dean was right because he was hurt. Noone can blame him. Or noone can blame rory.

I had said, tristine and rory can be together but tristin is disgusting person. He harrassed rory a lot of times. And paris has crush on him.

In the previous episode, lorelai's ex had been in town, now luke's. This is not good scenerio again. That is why I gave 7 points instead of 9.

Lorelai could make a mistake by leaving voice message to max . Probably he would not care also. He loves his job and does not want to lose.

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