COURTESY REMINDER: PLEASE don't spoil the last four words for anyone, no matter if they are amazing or eh. Some people have waited almost ten years for this, so make the spoiler tag your friend on here and in real life.

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It was a perfect ending!!!!

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The most beautiful episode of the whole show. I'm so happy everyone came back to this perfect ending.

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This was the perfect closure that the original run needed the most - everyone coming to their own terms and setting up a new journey and it started with that fantastic monologue done by Lorelai, such a incredibly shot scene.
Emily's story was gorgeously executed and a delight to watch and the marriage scene strucked me as powerful, so as did every other scene on this whole episode - Rory's walking through conversations with her old beaus and her father made her plot finally feels important and even if I missed Paris and a bit more of Lane on this last episode, it was absolutely and completely breathtaking in each aspect - nothing grandiouse, trivial living, but with its own spark of magic and surrealism, something that the show always had underneath and when handled on the right way was what wired it to be the great show it is. That last scene echoes in your mind.

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It had all the emotions in one episode. Perfect end for the show.

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As much as i loved this last episode, sadly more cliff hangers.. I'm a Dean fan here and even though she's not with Dean, i'm still happy that she's with Logan coz i liked Logan too. There's somethin bout him that makes him standout amongst Dean and Jess. Not because he's rich but i love his personality coz he's in between of both Dean and Jess. Dean is considered too nice and Jess was like the bad a** back in the older seasons. Jess is bold and rash back then, so yea i don't mean he's not nice XD (juz in case there are Jess fans here XD) But Logan was like the more balanced bf, i juz wish she wasn't seeing Logan as a "mistress". I hope they'll make a season 2, I'm happy for Lorelai but i need full closure for this show.. I need to knowww!!!

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Best Episode Ever!!! I want more!!!

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Perfect ending, I yelled. I never yell. Did not expected that. When you see this episode for a second time, some of the scenes have a completely different impact. So I recommend watching this episode two times.

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Okay so the baby daddy is the one night stand guy:skull:

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Nail the context of the four final words. Didn't anticipate the way was delivered. Great season (?) finale.

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