I was keen to watch this series but don't think I will watch the rest of the eps for at least a while. Alexis's (Rory) acting was not convincing and the girls are so horrible and self obsessed its not enjoyable. The dialogue is true to form and I initially liked how the show got straight back into their life without any fanfare but found the show really boring. it seems like a normal episode stretched out reaaalllly long. there were few scenes I knew where it was going, was not surprised by the journey and was frustrated by the time we got there. I think GG always had a number of gags that were either cheesy, forced or dumb. I found them harder to overlook then the old series due to acting/editing/pacing. 2 bits stood out to me as enjoyable: one scene with Kirk and the end. I was very disappointed how Richards death was handled especially knowing that the creative team did not want to mishandle it.

based on this ep alone the show has lost heart and momentum. its not terrible its just not interesting.

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I wasn’t too fond of Rory in the original series, but decided to keep an open mind towards her because she has gotten older, just to be met with her and her cheating ways yet again. But it’s fine! She continuously forget her boyfriend and that is so funny, so it is okay, right. Fucking not.

Loralai fucked up big time regarding her father, it really isn’t that hard to think of one positive memory about someone. I am 100% on Emily’s side on that one.

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Is this serious? This is terrible! It's just not credible anymore, the gags are so forced that sometimes it's just cringing and embarrassing. This is exactly what I was afraid it will be. What I loved about the Gilmore Girls was the fact that the characters were extravagant, yes, but they were convincing and realistic at the same time. This is what made everything so funny! They were human, now they're just stereotyped.

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Here we go again. I'm crying. I knew I'd be crying the minute they'd get to Richard. I feel like you can tell that this isn't just a story being acted out but there is real emotion underneath it.
I'm also so incredibly pleased that everyone is exactly the same. Older, yes but the chemistry is all in tact. It's like they never stepped out of these characters.
I'm even thrilled to see Jason Stiles again! It's so nice that everyone wants to come back.... that being said... Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) is missed. I really hoped to see her too.
AND finallyyyyy! Finally they can acknowledge that Michel is married to a MAN. We all knew, right? We all KNEW.

I can go on and on about how good everyone looks, how glad I am to see most of the cast again. Picking this story up sort of right where we left it... only ten years later. LOVE IT.

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Even i forgot bout Paul the moment they left Luke's... even though he specifically ordered tea XD Poor Paul! Getting all the Gilmore feels all over again~ I juz hope this time there will be closure!!

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"it's not Spanish" yes, it is. It is Spanish. One of the few things I love about America is America making fun of how ignorant they are. Isn't beautiful?

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I love having new episodes after so many years of rewatching the same ones. I love GG and I missed them so much ♥

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