I think the problem with this show is that unlike Marie Kondo, there isn't much I can apply to my own life/space. And unlike Queer Eye, the people getting organised have no narrative, nothing to feel connected to them, they are just clients.
Also, they seem to constantly go for the same things in each episode - big clear plastic bins, rainbow coloured stuff. Meh.

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I love all the reality shows related to interior design, remodeling and make overs, so I was excited about this one and I like the idea of the show and the transformations, the problem is that there’s not so much organizing/transforming as there is NARRATING!!! This could be a podcast about two women -who strangely resemble Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in a very suspicious way- fangirling about celebs and acrylic containers.
Some transformations were good but others were lackluster, overall I feel the main problem was we didn’t see enough of how and why they did things and instead we just got a quick glimpse of the end result. So if there’s a second season I’m gonna need less of them sitting in a couch fangirling and more action!!!

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I like the concept of this show but I don’t really get good vibes from these women. They seem a bit mean and catty?

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I was really excited about this show as I love organizing and I thoroughly enjoyed 'Tidying up with Marie Kondo'. However, just after 5 minutes in, I quickly realized that this one lacks the charm and even the essence of it all: you are not really given tips and great methods, it's much more superficial and overall a disappointment, especially compared to Tidying up. The two girls are just too loud and as others were saying, they seem rather mean and annoying; their vibes just do not resonate well with me. I'd rather watch Marie Kondo over and over, as she actually gives good organizing tips without sucking out my energy for the rest of the day.

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Shout by Deleted

Woah! Capitalism Consumer Crack Cocaine. If you can't play "Shop" at the store [because Amazon took that action away] hire said gals to create a shop at home....I mean, a family that can Merch together can survive the ravages of climate change.Plastic containers, especially the clear Lucite type do not attract dust in anyway shape or form, easy to clean. Hey just replace one problem with another....Curb consumption [yes its a disease]

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